At Newport, you can create a wishlist to gather your favorite items for updating your living room or to help your guests choose the perfect gift, whether you're planning a wedding or a birthday celebration.
1. Log in or become a member
Log in or create a new account by clicking on the user icon in the upper right corner and filling in your details.
2. Create your wishlist
You can create a list by clicking on "Wishlist" or by clicking the heart icon in the upper right corner.
3. Mark products with a heart
Mark the products you want to add to the list by clicking the heart icon. If you have multiple lists, choose which list you want to add the product to.
4. Share your list
You can share your list with family or friends. Go to the heart icon and click on the list you want to share, then click "Share list" to either copy the link or send it directly via email.
5. Check off from the list
Those you've shared the list with can purchase the items you’ve wished for, either online or in-store. Once they buy something, it will be checked off from the list.
6. Edit your list
You can always add or remove products from your list, even after you’ve shared it with someone.