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    Varmt välkomna till en av Sveriges en av största premium-outlets. Upptäck 1700 m2 möbler, design och heminredning. Alltid med 20-70% rabatt.


    Newport Norrköping Outlet

    Welcome to one Sweden’s largest and most luxurious interior design outlets. A visit to Newport Outlet is an experience like none other. It is the perfect destination when you want to splash out on a special shopping weekend - and here you will enjoy 20-70% discounts on everything in the store. 1700 m2 of unique furniture, design and home furnishings in an inviting atmosphere.

    Opening Hours

    Monday - Friday 10-19
    Saturday 10-17
    Sunday 11-17

    Exceptional Opening Hours 2024:
    Good Friday 11-17
    Easter Saturday 10-17
    Easter Day 11-17
    Easter Monday 11-17
    Walpurgis Night 10-17
    May Day 11-17
    Ascension Day 11-17
    National Day 11-17
    Midsummer Eve CLOSED
    Midsummer Day CLOSED
    All Saints' Day 10-17
    Christmas Eve CLOSED
    Christmas Day CLOSED
    Boxing Day 10-17
    New Year's Eve CLOSED
    New Year's Day CLOSED

    011 - 443 39 90

    Find store

    Kromgatan 2 602 23 Norrköping
    Open in Google Maps
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