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    Perfume and body care - Buy online at Newport
    Perfume and body care - Buy online at Newport

    Fragrance & Body Care

    Unique, carefully selected body fragrances that will make you feel luxurious. For a complete fragrance experience, choose among our handpicked soaps, lotions and exclusive perfumes. The boxes they are packaged in have been exquisitely designed and are lovely to have on display.
    Showing 93 of 93 products

    Fragrance and body care for every day

    Body care products and fragrances are an essential part of the daily personal care routine for many of us. This ritual goes beyond the practical aspects and becomes a form of self-expression and self-love that deeply affects our well-being. Fragrance is an art in itself. Fragrances have the power to evoke memories and trigger emotions. Choosing a scent is like choosing a signature style that says something about us and makes a memorable impression on others. Body care is about looking after yourself, both physically and mentally. By using products that are suitable for our skin type and needs, we can maintain a radiant complexion and feel fresh and glowing.